Time remaining until the 1st control week:
Important! Dear students, login to LMS Moodle is carried out using a single login and password fromAIS Platonus. Student Service Center: Ust-Kamenogorsk, 76 M. Gorky str., office 123 (1st floor, right wing),
tel. 8-7232-50-28-89 ; mailkafu_cos17@mail.ru Obtaining references is carried out through the
Platonus system, or viaTelegram Bot . References that you can get in the Platonus system:- Reference from the place of study;
- Reference for the military enlistment office;
- GTSVP Reference;
- And others.
Link to the short instructions for obtaining certificates in the Platonus system: (Click here)
Faculty of Abbreviated Educational Programs (FAEP)
Methodist 50-29-46 Dean 50-09-93
Faculty of Business Law and Pedagogy (FBLP)
Methodist 50-50-12 Dean 50-50-14
Department telephone numbers
Department of Business 50-28-58 Department of Pedagogy 50-29-45
Department of Foreign Languages 50-28-33 Department of Law 50-28-39
Technical support
8(777)-148-04-64 8(777)-985-86-82
Working hours of technical support mon-fri from 09:00 to 18:00 Scan the QR code to get help in the Platonus system
Scan the QR code to get the login and password from Moodle and Platonus