Questions and answers *
Distance learning is education through the Internet in an online format. The global Internet network allows for instant information exchange, the creation of necessary databases, the collection of essential informational materials in one place, and making them accessible to anyone worldwide. Distance learning is an independent form of education where information technology plays a leading role.
Due to enhanced measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kazakhstan-American Free University switched to distance learning starting from March 16, 2020. The educational process utilizing distance learning technologies is carried out through the Moodle distance learning portal. The university's educational portal contains digital-format educational content (syllabi, lecture materials, lists of assignments, and methodological guidelines for practical and seminar classes, etc.), ensuring access for students and faculty to all electronic university resources, and establishing feedback mechanisms for consultations via a virtual chat system.
Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is a free learning management system primarily focused on organizing interaction between the teacher and the learner.
Moodle is a network-based technology that includes providing educational and methodological materials, forms of interactive interaction between students and teachers, as well as administering the educational process using the Internet. To use Moodle, any web browser is sufficient, making this learning environment convenient for both teachers and students.
Distance learning and electronic learning are slightly different concepts.
Electronic learning (e-learning) involves using new educational approaches, with the primary focus being on using information technologies (IT) and the Internet.
Distance learning is a broader concept that encompasses various forms and types of learning. Its main feature is learning literally "at a distance."
What equipment and materials are needed for distance learning?
For electronic learning, all you need is a computer or a tablet device and Internet access. Additionally, you may need to install some standard programs necessary for learning (e.g., MS Office suite or other recommended software).
The E-Learning process is based on content – electronic material.
Content includes digital textbooks and lecture recordings. It consists of texts, diagrams, photographs, images, and videos. Nowadays, training simulators and virtual reality construction capabilities at the level of information technologies are widely implemented.
How to enroll in a course?
In the drop-down menu under "My Courses," you will see a list of your electronic courses that you are enrolled in. Note: Sometimes, not all courses appear in the "My Courses" drop-down menu. In such cases, the missing course can be found as follows: 1. Select your department from the list of departments. 2. Find out the instructor’s name for your subject (refer to the class schedule). 3. By clicking on the instructor's name, you will see a list of subjects they teach; select the desired one. 4. Click the "Enroll in Course" button.
What information technologies and programs are used to implement distance learning?
Classes are conducted on the educational portal, where you are assigned a personal password, and you can find everything you need. Simply open the required documents, study them, save them to your computer, or print them if necessary.
No, constant Internet access is not required. Learning materials can be downloaded and saved on your computer device, and printed if necessary. Stable Internet access is only required for participating in webinars and completing test assignments.
What is a webinar?
A webinar is a live video conference featuring one or more speakers. Webinars are accompanied by a chat where participants can ask questions and engage in discussions. Webinars are prepared in advance, and organizers notify students about the time of the webinar and provide an access code via email.
Self-study is a key component of distance learning programs. Independent work is essential for acquiring practical skills, deepening and consolidating knowledge and information, and forming essential professional competencies. You are given the opportunity to study lecture materials, recommended literature – textbooks in digital form available in the course database. Additionally, you can watch educational films, videos, and listen to audio recordings of lectures. A valuable resource for independent study includes recordings of previous webinars and video conferences.
When completing practical assignments, you can use any available information sources, but direct copying of texts (except for citations) and plagiarism are not allowed. If such issues are detected by the educational portal's verification systems, the written exam will not be considered passed.
How to attach an assignment in Moodle?
To submit a completed assignment for review by the teacher, follow these steps: 1. Click the "Completed Work" button; 2. Click the "Add Answer to Assignment" button; 3. Click on the upload area or drag the file into the highlighted area.
What skills are needed for distance learning?
You need to have basic computer skills: using programs like MS Office, handling email, and typing on a keyboard. These relate to technical aspects. Additionally, self-organization and time management skills, key communication skills—listening, articulating thoughts clearly in speech and writing, and logical thinking—will be beneficial.
What if I am not good at using a computer?
Distance learning is not particularly difficult. The interface of the programs is intuitive, and your actions are pre-planned: press the buttons suggested by the system, open files, and follow links. The technical support team will help you set up the necessary programs, and any difficulties can easily be resolved with our specialists. Within the first few sessions of the distance learning program, you will understand the logic of the process and feel confident in front of the monitor. The educational portal's interface is simple and designed for a wide range of users.
Why is distance education so relevant?
Distance courses and programs are developed based on up-to-date information, current legislation, and professional standards and qualification requirements. Lecture and study materials are updated as laws change and new trends and information emerge. Updating electronic learning materials is much faster than republishing printed editions (textbooks, monographs, etc.). Each innovation (in legislation, science, or practice) can promptly be reflected in the materials of the distance program. The new technologies inherent in distance learning help eliminate illiteracy in provincial areas, which remains an issue in our country. Thus, distance education provides free access to relevant information and knowledge!